Det har kommit ut en ny rapport från "Reporters without Borders". En mycket intressant läsning.
Kanada hamnar på 13:e plats medans Sverige hamnar på en delad 7:e plats. De i topp är Island, Luxemburg och Norge. Finland kommer på en 4:e plats. USA på en 36:e plats
En sammanfattning av rapporten lyder så här;
Said Reporters Without Borders:
“The post-9/11 world is now clearly drawn. Destabilized and on the defensive, the leading democracies are gradually eroding the space for freedoms. The economically most powerful dictatorships arrogantly proclaim their authoritarianism, exploiting the international community’s divisions and the ravages of the wars carried out in the name of the fight against terrorism.
“The post-9/11 world is now clearly drawn. Destabilized and on the defensive, the leading democracies are gradually eroding the space for freedoms. The economically most powerful dictatorships arrogantly proclaim their authoritarianism, exploiting the international community’s divisions and the ravages of the wars carried out in the name of the fight against terrorism.
Religious and political taboos are taking greater hold by the year in countries that used to be advancing down the road of freedom.”
Hela rapporten kan du läsa här;
En fråga som ofta ställs numera är "Vem styr medierna?" Tyvärr har jag inte hittat något liknande för Sverige men det som gäller för USA gäller också för Kanada. Så här är något vi ska tänka på lite oftare när vi ser/hör nyheter. Det är ENDAST ETT FÅTAL SOM STYR VAD VI SKA SE, HÖRA OCH VETA. Texten nedan har jag kopierat in från www.mercola.com
For the most part, the media spreads a lot of misinformation and corporate propaganda. This is not at all surprising considering that Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, Viacom (formerly CBS) and General Electric's NBC are the top owners of the entire media industry, which includes everything you read and hear in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, books, records, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies.
In the last 15 years alone, your sources for news have shrunk drastically. Whereas in 1983, 50 corporations ruled the U.S. news media, by 2004 this number decreased to a minuscule six corporations! As you might imagine, with just six corporations deciding what’s worthy of news and what’s not, you end up with sensationalized tragedies, celebrity features, and anything else that will capture people’s attention.There is virtually no competition in the media market today whatsoever, and this spells disaster for all types of news, including health information.
Unbiased, REAL Information IS Out There
Even though the United States enjoys access to much more free press than many other countries, the system is clearly not without flaws and you simply cannot rely on a news station, newspaper or any other media outlet to provide you with unbiased, reliable information. However, the Internet and technology have seriously leveled the playing field when it comes to having access to reliable, unbiased information, and is one of the primary reasons why I remain highly confident that we are making more than a dent in the media process.The Internet has really become one of the last bastions of independent, free-thinking news available -- and I am proud to be one of the top-ranked independent voices in the vastness of corporate monopoly, offering objective information to empower you with alternative choices that can radically improve your health, open your eyes to the truth, and keep you and your family safely out of the mainstream media madness.
Even though the United States enjoys access to much more free press than many other countries, the system is clearly not without flaws and you simply cannot rely on a news station, newspaper or any other media outlet to provide you with unbiased, reliable information. However, the Internet and technology have seriously leveled the playing field when it comes to having access to reliable, unbiased information, and is one of the primary reasons why I remain highly confident that we are making more than a dent in the media process.The Internet has really become one of the last bastions of independent, free-thinking news available -- and I am proud to be one of the top-ranked independent voices in the vastness of corporate monopoly, offering objective information to empower you with alternative choices that can radically improve your health, open your eyes to the truth, and keep you and your family safely out of the mainstream media madness.
As you weed through the information you read or hear on a daily basis, always remember this important piece of wisdom:All truth goes through three phases.
1. First, it is ridiculed. 2. Second, it is violently opposed. 3. Third, it is accepted as being self evident.
So if you want to get to the truth, you often have to keep an open mind, do more than a little bit of digging, and even then take everything you read and hear with a grain of salt.
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